answer:本章小结应包括以下内容: 1. 研究目的与意义:简单回顾研究的目的和意义,提出研究的问题,并概述研究方法和分析过程。 2. 样本数据介绍:对研究所采用的样本数据进行描述,包括样本数据来源、时间范围、总样本数等。 3. 研究结果总结:对研究结果进行总结,并回答研究问题。这里需要避免重复结果表格和图表中的信息,通过简短的文字概括研究结论,包括提供类型比较的优劣势分析、回答研究问题的备选方案及建立模型的可行性等。 4. 研究限制:阐释研究结果的局限性,包括样本数据选择的局限性、研究方法的局限等,为下一步研究的方向提供建议。 5. 研究价值:针对研究的意义与价值进行评价,简述该研究对投资业以及资本市场的意义,并就下一步研究方向和方法进行初步探讨。
question:For sentence "Jen gave Eve her book because she was behind in her studies" who does "she" refer to?
answer:"She" refers to Eve.
answer:In the given sentence, "Jen gave Eve her book because she was behind in her studies," the pronoun "she" is being used to refer back to the person who was behind in studies. Here, it is Eve who was behind in her studies and this is clear from the context of the sentence. The pronoun "her" is used just before "book" which refers to Eve's book. Hence, "she" refers to Eve.
question:What does "her" refer to?
answer:In the sentence "Jen gave Eve her book because she was behind in her studies," the pronoun "her" refers to Eve. The possessive pronoun "her" is used here to show that the book belongs to Eve. It means that Jen gave Eve her own book so that Eve could catch up on her studies.