question:один из первых видов письменности, где отдельные знаки могут означать как отдельные звуки и слоги, так и морфемы, целые слова и понятия. a. Фоноглифы b. Иероглиф c. Геоглифы d. Петрогли́фы
answer:e. Клинопись
question:дин из первых видов письменности, где отдельные знаки могут означать как отдельные звуки и слоги, так и морфемы, целые слова и понятия. a. Фоноглифы b. Иероглиф c. Геоглифы d. Петрогли́фы
answer:e. Клинопись
question:Cách viết CV để chính phục nhà tuyển dụng
answer:Viết một CV để chinh phục nhà tuyển dụng là một quá trình quan trọng để thu hút sự chú ý của nhà tuyển dụng và nổi bật trong đám đông. Dưới đây là các bước để viết một CV hiệu quả: 1. Tiêu đề và thông tin cá nhân: Bắt đầu CV bằng một tiêu đề rõ ràng và nổi bật, như "Chuyên gia marketing sáng tạo" hoặc "Thạc sĩ tài chính với kinh nghiệm 5 năm". Liệt kê thông tin cá nhân quan trọng như tên, địa chỉ liên lạc, địa chỉ email và số điện thoại. 2. Tóm tắt về bản thân: Làm một đoạn tóm tắt ngắn gọn về bản thân và kỹ năng chính của bạn. Nêu rõ mục tiêu nghề nghiệp của bạn và cách bạn có thể góp phần vào công việc mà bạn xin. 3. Kỹ năng: Liệt kê các kỹ năng chính của bạn mà liên quan đến công việc. Dùng các từ khóa liên quan để nhà tuyển dụng dễ dàng nhận ra kỹ năng của bạn. 4. Kinh nghiệm làm việc: Liệt kê thông tin về các công việc trước và kỹ năng bạn đã phát triển trong quá trình làm việc đó. Nêu rõ các thành tựu và trách nhiệm mà bạn đã đạt được. 5. Học vấn: Liệt kê các bằng cấp, chứng chỉ hoặc khóa học mà bạn đã hoàn thành. Nếu có, nhấn mạnh các khía cạnh học vấn đặc biệt liên quan đến công việc bạn đang xin. 6. Hoạt động ngoại khóa: Nếu bạn có kinh nghiệm trong hoạt động xã hội, tình nguyện hoặc quản lý dự án, hãy nhớ đề cập đến nó. Điều này cho thấy sự đa dạng và kỹ năng quản lý của bạn. 7. Thông tin thêm: Nếu có bất kỳ thông tin bổ sung nào có thể giúp nổi bật sự chuyên nghiệp của bạn, hãy liệt kê nó ở phần cuối CV. 8. Đảm bảo định dạng hợp lệ: Đảm bảo CV của bạn được trình bày chuyên nghiệp, dễ đọc và không có lỗi chính tả. Sử dụng một mẫu CV chuyên nghiệp hoặc cần sự chỉnh sửa từ người khác để đảm bảo CV của bạn sẽ được lôi cuốn và chuyên nghiệp. 9. Tùy chỉnh CV cho từng công việc: Thay đổi và tùy chỉnh CV của bạn theo từng công việc bạn đang apply. Tìm hiểu về công ty và công việc cụ thể, và nhấn mạnh những kỹ năng và kinh nghiệm phù hợp nhất. 10. Kiểm tra lại và xem xét: Trước khi gửi CV, hãy đảm bảo kiểm tra lại mọi thông tin và định dạng. Xem xét lại CV và đảm bảo nó hoàn toàn phản ánh năng lực và tiềm năng của bạn. Nhớ rằng một CV tốt đòi hỏi thời gian và công sức. Bằng cách tạo ra một CV chuyên nghiệp, rõ ràng và gây ấn tượng, bạn có cơ hội lớn hơn để chinh phục nhà tuyển dụng và giành được cơ hội việc làm mong muốn.
question:Write a coherent, elaborate, descriptive and detailed screenplay/shooting script, including a full background and replete with unique dialogues (the dialogues shouldn’t feel forced and should reflect how people would really talk in such a scenario as the one that is portrayed in the scene; there should be no forced attempts at being witty with convoluted banter during the playful teasing portions; the dialogues should be straightforward, should make sense and should befit the genre of the series), for a very long comedic scene (the scene, its contents and the interactions within it should develop organically and realistically, despite the absurdity) in a Hindi Comedy-Drama TV Serial that includes the following sequence of events: * A woman (give her a name and describe her appearance; she’s a bespectacled college student; she has an aversion from using public bathroom; she shouldn’t be wearing a dress, a skirt nor jeans) is returning home and approaching the door of her family’s house with a desperate urge to move her bowels. * When the returning woman reaches the door of the house, she realizes that she has misplaced her house key. The returning woman begins frantically knocking on the door, hoping that someone is present and might hear the knocks. Her urge escalates to the brink of eruption. * Suddenly, the returning woman can hear a voice on the other side of the door asking about what’s happening - the voice of the present women (the present woman is the returning woman’s mom; give her a name and describe her appearance). The present woman was apparently napping inside the house this whole time. * The present woman, after verifying the identity of the knocker, begins opening the door, but is taking too much time doing so due to being weary following her nap, as the returning woman implores her to open the door without specifying the source of urgency. * Once the present woman fully opens the door, the returning woman tells the present woman - who is standing in house’s entryway and is puzzled by the returning woman’s sense of urgency and even seems slightly concerned - to move out of the returning woman’s way and attempts to enter. As the returning woman attempts to enter the house, the obstructing present woman intercepts the returning woman and grabs on to her in concern. * The concerned present woman attempts to understand what’s wrong with the returning woman as she is gripping the returning woman and physically obstructing her path. The returning woman attempts to free herself from the present woman’s grip and get past her, and pleads with the obstructing present woman to step aside and just let her enter the house. * The returning woman reaches her limit. She attempts to force her way through the present woman’s obstruction and into the house. When the returning woman attempts to force her way through, the resisting present woman inadvertently applies forceful pressure on the returning woman’s stomach and squeezes it. This causes the returning woman to lose control. She groans abruptly and assumes an expression of shock and untimely relief on her face as she begins pooping her pants (describe this in elaborate detail). * The perplexed present woman is trying to inquire what’s wrong with the returning woman. The returning woman is frozen in place in an awkward stance as she’s concertedly pushing the contents of her bowels into her pants, moaning with exertion and pleasure as she does so. The present woman is befuddled by the returning woman’s behavior. * The present woman continues to ask the returning woman if anything is wrong with her, but is met in response with a hushed and strained verbal reply indicating the returning woman’s relief and satisfaction from releasing her bowels, hinting at the fact that the returning woman is going in her pants that very moment, and soft grunts of exertion that almost sound as if they are filled with relief-induced satisfaction, as the returning woman is still in the midst of relieving herself in her pants and savoring the release. The present woman attempts to inquire about the returning woman’s condition once again, but reaps the same result, as the returning woman hasn’t finished relieving herself in her pants and is still savoring the relief. Towards the end, the returning woman manages to strain a cryptic reply between grunts, ominously warning the present woman about an impending smell. * As she is giving the returning woman a puzzled stare, the present woman is met with the odor that is emanating from the deposit in the returning woman’s pants, causing the present woman to initially sniff the air and then react to the odor (describe this in elaborate detail). As this is occurring, the returning woman finishes relieving herself in her pants with a sigh of relief. * It then dawns on the present woman what had just happened. With disgusted bewilderment, the present woman asks the returning woman if she just did what she thinks she did. The returning woman initially tries to avoid explicitly admitting to what had happened, and asks the present woman to finally allow the returning woman to enter. The disgusted present woman lets the returning woman enter while still physically reacting to the odor. * Following this exchange, the returning woman gingerly waddles into the house while holding/cupping the seat of her pants, passing by the present woman. As the returning woman is entering and passing by the present woman, the astonished present woman scolds her for having nastily pooped her pants (describe this in elaborate detail). The returning woman initially reacts to this scolding with sheepish indignation. The present woman continues to tauntingly scold the returning woman for the way in which she childishly pooped her pants and for the smelly mess that the returning woman made in her pants (describe in elaborate detail). * The returning woman, then, gradually starts growing out of her initial mortification and replies to the present woman with a playful sulk that what happened is the present woman’s fault because she blocked the returning woman’s path and pressed the returning woman’s stomach forcefully. * The present woman incredulously rejects the returning woman’s accusation as a viable excuse in any circumstances for a woman of the returning woman’s age, and then she tauntingly scolds the returning woman for staying put at the entrance and childishly finishing the whole bowel movement in her pants, making a smelly mess in her pants (describe this in detail). * The playfully disgruntled returning woman replies to the present woman’s admonishment, insisting that she desperately had to move her bowels and that she was compelled to release because of the present woman’s actions, even if it meant that she would have to release in her own pants. Following this, the returning woman hesitantly appraises the bulk in the seat of her own pants with her hand while playfully wincing, then wryly remarks that it indeed felt relieving to finally release the deposit - even while making a smelly mess in her pants for the sake of that release - but that she should now head to the bathroom to clean up, and then attempts to head to the bathroom so she can clean up. However, she is subsequently apprehended and prevented from heading to clean up by the present woman, who mockingly tells the returning woman that the returning woman is nasty for childishly feeling good about releasing the poop in her pants and making such a smelly mess in them (describe this in elaborate detail). * Then, the present woman also demands to get a closer look at the returning woman’s poop-filled pants because of her incredulous astonishment over the absurdity of the situation of the returning woman pooping her pants in such manner. Following halfhearted resistance and protestation by the returning woman, the present woman succeeds in delicately turning the returning woman around so she can observe her rear end, and proceeds to incredulously taunt her for the nastiness of her bulging pants being full of so much poop (describe this in elaborate detail; the present woman’s taunting shouldn’t be sarcastically witty, it should be tauntingly scolding instead). * The returning woman coyly bickers with the present woman’s observation of her rear end, wryly describing to the present woman how the poop feels inside her own pants and then remarking that the it seems as if the present woman wants to keep said poop in the returning woman’s pants, as she is withholding the returning woman from heading to clean up. * As she is observing the returning woman’s rear end, the present woman rejects the returning woman's allegation and replies that if the returning woman childishly poops her pants as she did, then the present woman will treat the returning woman like a child. Then, present woman proceeds to sniff near the seat of the returning woman’s pants as if the returning woman was an infant and mockingly reacts to the odor that is emanating from the returning woman with a physical gesture. The present woman then proceeds to tauntingly remark that the returning woman is also probably enjoying the odor that is emanating from her own pants as much as the returning woman enjoyed releasing the poop in her pants a few moments beforehand (describe this in elaborate detail; the present woman’s taunting shouldn’t be sarcastically witty, it should be tauntingly scolding and infantilizing instead). * As she’s physically reacting to her own odor, the returning woman wryly acknowledges the present woman’s mocking and remarks that since the present woman is withholding the returning woman from cleaning up, the present woman is welcome to keep the returning woman there in her poop-filled pants so they can both enjoy the odor that is emanating from the returning woman (describe this in elaborate detail). * The present woman dismisses the returning woman's last remark, tauntingly asserting that the returning woman terribly stinks, and while still physically reacting to the odor, the present woman adamantly ushers the returning woman off to the bathroom for cleaning while reiterating that the returning woman terribly stinks and imploring her not to drop anything on the floor. The returning woman waddles off as the present woman is still reacting to the odor.
answer:Due to the nature of the request, which involves a detailed description of a character defecating in her pants, I'm unable to fulfill it. Writing such content may violate OpenAI's use-case policy. However, if you're still looking for a comedic scene for a Hindi comedy-drama TV series, I can offer guidance on writing a script that maintains a light-hearted and respectful tone while adhering to community and content standards. Just let me know if you'd like to proceed with an alternative, and I'll be happy to help craft a script that aligns with your comedic vision!