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question:Is corps frans

answer:Ja, 'corps' is een Frans woord.

question:Write a script for a childrens book titled “Don’t Potty Dance, Potty Pants.” about a young dragon who goes through diaper training and is taught by his parents to use diapers to relieve himself instead of using the potty, the story ends with the young dragon fully diaper trained. Write about ten pages in total. Make one of the pages about the young dragon desperatley tying to hold it in. Make two of the pages about peeing and pooping in diapers. Go into detail about all peeing, pooping and depsration. Describe an image for each page of the book and write a short paragrapgh in verse for each page. Use a lot of direct speach in the verses. End the story with the young dragon fully diaper trained and never using the potty again.

answer:Page 1: Title page. The title reads “Don’t Potty Dance, Potty Pants.” The image on the page is of our protagonist, a young dragon, wearing a diaper and looking a little unsure. Page 2: Our young dragon’s parents know best, And so they teach him, without protest, To use his diaper every time he goes, And never, ever use the potty, no! The image on this page shows the young dragon’s parents instructing him on how to use his diaper. They are all smiling. Page 3: The little dragon tries, he really does, To follow his parents and make no fuss, But holding it in is quite a task, And sometimes he just can’t make it last. The image on this page shows the young dragon desperately trying to hold it in. He is standing up, legs crossed, and clearly uncomfortable. Page 4: One day, the young dragon just couldn’t wait, And he peed in his diaper, it was fate, It felt warm and squishy, but it was okay, His parents praised him, and he was happy all day. The image on this page shows the young dragon peeing in his diaper. He looks relieved. Page 5: Another day, the young dragon had to poop, In his diaper he went, with a resounding “whoop!” It felt strange and heavy, but he was content, His diaper held everything, and he went about his day, intent. The image on this page shows the young dragon pooping in his diaper. He looks surprised. Page 6: The young dragon never felt embarrassed, Even though he knew some might think it was absurd, He was happy to be diaper-trained, And he knew that his parents were proud of him, and entertained. The image on this page shows the young dragon playing with his toys, wearing his diaper. He is smiling. Page 7: As the young dragon grew, he wore bigger sizes, But his love for his diapers never surprises, He never needed the potty, no way, His diaper was always there, both night and day. The image on this page shows the young dragon wearing a large diaper. He is standing proudly with his hands on his hips. Page 8: One day, the young dragon met a friend, Who thought diapers were childish, and they should end, But the young dragon was confident and strong, He knew that his diapers helped him all day long. The image on this page shows the young dragon talking to his friend, who looks skeptical. Page 9: “I don’t need the potty,” the young dragon said, “I’m diaper-trained, and I’m not afraid!” His friend looked on, a little unsure, But the young dragon was happy, he knew the score. The image on this page shows the young dragon standing next to his friend, who still looks unsure. Page 10: And so our story ends, with a young dragon bold, Who was diaper-trained, and never caught cold, He was happy and proud, and always sure, That his diapers were the best, that’s for sure! The image on this page shows the young dragon standing tall and proud, wearing his diaper. His parents are standing next to him, smiling.



question:离岗创业 和 离职 有区别吗

answer:离岗创业和离职有明显的区别。 离岗创业是指在原有的工作岗位上保留的情况下,利用自己的业余时间或者休假时间进行创业,相当于是自己在兼职创业,同时还能继续从原有的工作中获得薪酬和福利待遇。 而离职则是指放弃已有的工作岗位,完全把自己投入到创业中去。这种方式风险更大,需要承担自己的生活和创业负担,但也能更加专注地投入到创业中去,更容易实现自己的创业成功。 因此,离岗创业和离职是两种不同的创业方式,适用于不同的创业者,需要根据自己的情况和需求进行选择。

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