answer:尊敬的(接收单位/相关负责人): 兹通知贵单位,关于贵单位在(安全检查/事件发生)后执行的安全整改工作,经过我方对贵单位所采取的整改措施和现场抽查确认,现已达到了预期目的,认定安全隐患整改完成。特此告知。 在整改过程中,贵单位采取了以下整改措施: 1) 针对(安全隐患1),贵单位进行了(相关改进措施),现场检查发现已符合(国家/行业/公司)相关安全规定要求; 2) 针对(安全隐患2),贵单位进行了(相关改进措施),现场检查发现已符合(国家/行业/公司)相关安全规定要求; 3) 针对(安全隐患3),贵单位进行了(相关改进措施),现场检查发现已符合(国家/行业/公司)相关安全规定要求; ...) 请贵单位持续关注安全工作,加强安全管理,发现安全隐患及时整改,提高安全意识,切实保障员工和企业的安全生产。 再次感谢贵单位在安全隐患整改工作中的积极配合,期待今后在安全工作方面能继续保持良好的沟通与合作。 特此告知! 祝工作顺利! (发送单位) (日期)
question:14. Team member/s complain that they have too many agile meetings that they need to attend. What can you do as a Scrum Master? * 1) Engage with the team to understand what this means, identify and resolve causes of ineffective ceremonies, align and brief the team on how ceremonies should be run. If the team works in multiple Scaled Agile projects, review how to manage their WIP 2) Engage the team members to understand what they really mean, offer innovative ideas to shortcut the Agile ceremonies, discontinue certain Agile ceremonies, as long as objectives of these ceremonies can still be met 3) First report to HoD, demand to reorganise teams, and remove teams from certain projects. 4) Engage team leads only to avoid more complaints from the rest of the team. Review together the effectiveness of all Agile ceremonies and selectively remove remove the ineffective ones.
answer:Option 1) Engage with the team to understand what this means, identify and resolve causes of ineffective ceremonies, align and brief the team on how ceremonies should be run. If the team works in multiple Scaled Agile projects, review how to manage their WIP would be the best approach as a Scrum Master. It is important to understand the root cause of the complaint and work with the team to address it rather than dismissing their concerns or taking drastic actions. By identifying and resolving the causes of ineffective ceremonies, the team's time can be used more efficiently and effectively. The Scrum Master can also provide guidance on how to manage multiple projects simultaneously to avoid overloading team members with too many meetings.
question:19. What is the difference between DevSecOps and Devops? (Choose the best TWO answers) * 1) There is no difference. They are essentially the same thing except that some people prefer “DevSecOps” because it emphasizes that DevOps also involves security-related practices. 2) DevOps involves development and operation teams, whereas DevSecOps involves development, operations, and security teams. 3) The term “DevSecOps” is a marketing created by consulting firms to allow them to market and sell new, expensive services on top of traditional DevOps 4) DevSecOps reflects the overall “shift left” mindset, with security considered earlier. Just as in-sprint testing detects and resolves quality issues earlier, so DevSecOps improves security and vulnerability mitigation during development.
answer:Options 2) DevOps involves development and operation teams, whereas DevSecOps involves development, operations, and security teams, and 4) DevSecOps reflects the overall “shift left” mindset, with security considered earlier. Just as in-sprint testing detects and resolves quality issues earlier, so DevSecOps improves security and vulnerability mitigation during development are the best two answers. DevOps is focused on the collaboration between development and operations teams to deliver software quickly and efficiently. DevSecOps, on the other hand, takes this one step further by adding security teams into the mix to ensure that security is considered from the start of the development process. This approach follows the "shift-left" mindset, where security is considered earlier in the development cycle rather than being an afterthought.
question:please translate this "To facilitate future Agility Framework implementation at different levels. For Agile on a corporate level, the standard cadence we set for our teams will be needed to coordinate strategy development, funding processes, and enterprise intiatiaves" to Chinese