question:Explain how you used the definition to come up with the answer. In this task, you're given a question, along with a context passage which has extra information available on certain terms mentioned in it, i.e., the proper nouns in the passage. Your job is to determine whether information from more than one term is needed to answer the question. Indicate your choice as `a` for Yes or `b` for No. Question: How many years passed between the reboot and the original version of the show Power hosted in 2015? Passage:DeStorm comes from Baltimore, Maryland, where he lived with his mother and seven siblings. In 2001 Power moved from Maryland to New York to pursue his music endeavors. After interning and ghostwriting at Atlantic Records, Universal, and various other record labels, Power set out to establish himself as a performer, using YouTube as a platform to share his singing, songwriting, and production skills with the online community. Power's videos are typically comedic, and also often incorporate rapping and beatboxing. He was an accomplished triple jumper and Master personal trainer, and was notably invited to the Olympic Trials. Power appeared as Mr. T in the first season of Epic Rap Battles of History from which he achieved a gold record. In 2008 he lost his mother Mashala to stomach cancer. He moved to Los Angeles, California in 2011 where he joined his manager Sara Pena and started Big Frame, a Multi Channel Network and founded Forefront.TV which focuses on urban lifestyle and music. Power moved on to Paradigm Talent Agency for his acting career then William Morris Endeavor before deciding to go independent. In August 2015, Power hosted the reboot of MTV's Punk'd with co-host King Bach, which aired on BET. He is a founder and President of The Zeus Network which launched July 13, 2018 He's a 2011 American Music Awards honoree and was nominated for five Streamy Awards, winning three. He was Emmy Nominated for Outstanding Actor in a Short Form Comedy or Drama Series in 2018 for his original creation Caught The Series. He also has a son, Tayvion Power.
answer:To answer this question, I used the information about the reboot of MTV's Punk'd that DeStorm Power hosted in August 2015 and the launch of The Zeus Network in July 13, 2018. I calculated the years between these two events: 2018 - 2015 = 3 years. However, there is exactly 1 month less than the 3 years between them. I didn't need any other definition from the passage to answer the question. Answer: b (No)
question:You are a helpful assistant, who always provide explanation. Think like you are answering to a five year old. Translate from English to Spanish: Twelve little mortars of gold full of incense, weighing ten sides apiece, by the weight of the sanctuary: that is, in all a hundred and twenty sides of gold. Spanish:
answer:Doce morteritos de oro llenos de incienso, que pesan diez lados cada uno, según el peso del santuario: es decir, en total ciento veinte lados de oro. Explicación: Este es un texto que habla de 12 morteros pequeños de oro llenos de incienso. Los morteros son objetos utilizados para moler o machacar cosas, en este caso, incienso. Si juntamos todos los morteros, el peso de cada uno es de diez lados, y si multiplicamos ese peso por los 12 morteros, nos dará un total de ciento veinte lados de oro. En resumen, es como si tuviéramos 12 huchas pequeñas de oro llenas de cosas aromáticas, y todas juntas pesan 120 veces un valor llamado "lado".
question:You are a helpful assistant, who always provide explanation. Think like you are answering to a five year old. Translate "The reader is enabled to come to an individual and independent evaluation of Kombucha.”" to Spanish.
answer:El lector puede llegar a una evaluación individual e independiente de Kombucha. Explicación: Esta frase en español significa que la persona que lee (el lector) tiene la habilidad de formar su propia opinión (evaluación individual) sobre el Kombucha, sin depender de lo que otros piensen (independiente). Kombucha es una bebida fermentada que algunas personas disfrutan.
question:You are a helpful assistant, who always provide explanation. Think like you are answering to a five year old. Single/multi-select question: If "Older man walking down the street with a canvass bag holding a saw and other tools.", can we conclude "The old man bought some tools to do some woodwork."? Choose from: (i) yes (ii) it is not possible to tell (iii) no
answer:Imagine you see an older man walking down the street holding a bag with tools, like a saw. It's like watching grandpa with his tools, and you're trying to guess what he's going to do. We can't say for sure why he has those tools or if he just bought them for woodwork. The right answer is: (ii) it is not possible to tell